IGC Server Suite files are based on GMO version in which Summoner and Rage fighter are available after purchasing their character card in Cash Shop.
1. To allow players to create these characters from beginning (without a need to purchase character card) execute following query on MuOnline database
For Rage Fighter
USE [MuOnline] GO ALTER TABLE dbo.AccountCharacter DROP CONSTRAINT DF_AccountCharacter_RageFighter GO ALTER TABLE dbo.AccountCharacter ADD CONSTRAINT DF_AccountCharacter_RageFighter DEFAULT ((1)) FOR RageFighter GO UPDATE dbo.AccountCharacter SET RageFighter = 1 GO
For Summoner
USE [MuOnline] GO ALTER TABLE dbo.AccountCharacter DROP CONSTRAINT DF_AccountCharacter_Summoner GO ALTER TABLE dbo.AccountCharacter ADD CONSTRAINT DF_AccountCharacter_Summoner DEFAULT ((1)) FOR Summoner GO UPDATE dbo.AccountCharacter SET Summoner = 1 GO
Getting following error? DF_AccountCharacter_RageFighter' is not a constraint
Run following query Sp_help AccountCharacter and check valid Constraint names for Summoner and Rage Fighter columns
2. Allow Players to create these characters once reached specified level
For Rage Fighter
USE [MuOnline] GO CREATE TRIGGER RageFighterActivation ON [dbo].[Character] FOR UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @AccountID varchar(10); DECLARE @cLevel int; SELECT @AccountID=i.AccountID FROM inserted i; SELECT @cLevel=i.cLevel FROM inserted i; IF (UPDATE(cLevel) AND (@cLevel >= 200)) -- Edit desired level in this line UPDATE dbo.AccountCharacter SET RageFighter = 1 WHERE Id = @AccountID GO
For Summoner
USE [MuOnline] GO CREATE TRIGGER SummonerActivation ON [dbo].[Character] FOR UPDATE AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @AccountID varchar(10); DECLARE @cLevel int; SELECT @AccountID=i.AccountID FROM inserted i; SELECT @cLevel=i.cLevel FROM inserted i; IF (UPDATE(cLevel) AND (@cLevel >= 150)) -- Edit desired level in this line UPDATE dbo.AccountCharacter SET Summoner = 1 WHERE Id = @AccountID GO
One-click run script is shipped with Server Suite package.