2 votes
Skilllist PvP Damage Reduction
Please add a modifier to Skillist or any other method, perhaps an XML file that will allow us to reduce the PVP Damage of a specific Skill. Someone asked to add control for Barrage or Speed but I know that will probably be a lot of work to re-work luas, so how about this instead?
Skillist.xml <SkillList> <Skill Index="264" Name="Dragon Roar" ReqLevel="30" Damage="12" ManaUsage="42" BPUsage="0" .......... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="265" Name="Dark Side" ReqLevel="21" Damage="21" ManaUsage="12" BPUsage="0" ..... .......PVPDamage="30"..../> <Skill Index="266" Name="Spirit Hook" ReqLevel="13" Damage="17" ManaUsage="15" BPUsage="0"........... PVPDamage="100"..../> <Skill Index="267" Name="Spirit Hook Enhancement" ReqLevel="5" Damage="8" ManaUsage="3" ....... ..... PVPDamage="100"..../> ... </SkillList> PVPDamage where 100 is 100% damage. Method could of course be different.
This would allow us to take out those OP skills on reset servers and provide us pretty much with perfect flexibility in terms of skills.
I know we can modify formulas, or increase the entire PvM Damage, and that does give us a lot of flexibility already but it is not enough, please read below to understand why.
Why do this?
On reset servers, there has always been a problem with balancing certain skills, especially those with a high animation speed or Barrage. For some characters, achieving perfect balance is simply impossible. Let me explain.
If you try to balance your Rage Fighter- DarkSide, Dragon Roar, and Spirit Hook, you can make them deal the same damage using Lua. However, DarkSide has an unpredictable burst effect that can completely destroy opponents in PvP. Even if all three skills have the exact same damage, DarkSide is still overpowered, while the other two remain weak.
This makes it impossible to balance all three skills in a way that keeps them playable. The only options are:
1. Nerf DarkSide so much that it becomes useless.
2. Weaken all three skills and leave only one of them playable.
A similar issue exists with Magic Gladiator’s Havoc Spear—this skill simply deals much more damage than any other and there are few more.
A setting like that would allow us to balance a character in both PvP and PvM so that all skills are useful. This also helps a lot with configs so you don't have to go with 10mln HP and SD for PVP...
2 votes
Add MaxPlayerPerRoom for BC and DS
Add MaxPlayerPerRoom for BC and DS, we had it in devil square before, now it is limited to 10 (same as BC). Make it so users can enter the event as many as we want. People were asking to increase BC limit of 10 to higher but instead DS higher limit was reduced to 10.
I don't know the limitation of game client or gameservers but I think we all agree that we want more players to join the events at the same time, instead having to open multiples market servers.
4 votes
Igcn antihack detects all the free cheats, the problem is with the two three paid ones which are trending now. Thing is we have those cheats in our hands and we cant even dump them like the old simple anti hacks we had on season6. Maybe igcn could develop a simple dumper where we can add the hash/crc or what is needed from those hack apps to be dumped while the game is running or the game to close upon detection, something very simple so we can complete the protection with the already good enough server side anti hack. Nothing extreme, literally a simple dumper hooked in main.
0 votes
Huntpoint Suggestions
I know that few IGC customers use Huntpoint, but we pay more than the game server to use the system, which has many flaws.
I'll give you some suggestions for those who have been using the system for a long time on other servers or even on IGC.
Server Change
- When the player changes servers and goes to the Huntpoints server, he will go to a safe zone and not directly to the place where he was on the previous server.
- Defense: When the map is farming Defense, there is no way to take the player to battle, which makes it seem like it is bugged.
To reproduce this, just look for a map that is farming Defense and try to attack another player. You will not be able to attack and activate the battle.
Damage: Wizardry classes can benefit from the damage stat, making them even stronger. Classes that use damage need to increase their damage only with the Damage attribute, and not with Damage and Wizardry Damage.
Battle Crash: When the battle reaches a certain number of players, it simply crashes and there is no way to know why. I have 2 support tickets on Bug Tracker and with several logs and dumps, but no one can solve them.
This really hinders the game's performance and credibility.
1 vote
Launcher Database ID
Launcher will assign default server when the database ID is not found , that shouldnt happen at all , it should just not allow game start and not download the default database id hash/patch files that do not belong in that client file.
1 vote
Custom Plugin Raffle
Random Raffle , Could please add a mode where players not have to hit number or buy anything to participate in the raffle??
RAFLE Draw Online players and get winners...
2 votesCompleted
Bless of Light DC - Solution
Here is a proposal and possible solution to save Bless of Light on Disconnect or Server Switch.
I understand that the exp would have to be stored in the Database otherwise the buff will disappear. But we already have a working functionality with Elixir of Strength, Health, Agility etc. They don't disappear like other consumables do.
Can you just do the same for Bless of Light consumables?
Or at least allow exp option buffs to be used with Elixirs, for example:
In the itemoptionmanager.
<Item Cat="14" Index="80" Option1="11" Value1="1000" Option2="6" Value2="200" Time="21600" /> <!-- Elixir of Health --> Where Option2=
// 6: Exp Increase +d%
// 87: Exp gain increase +%d% (Ascension Items, Normal/Master level usable)
// 88: Exp gain increase +%d% (Bless of Light, Normal/Master level usable)
That way we could just make a workaround or create new buffs from scratch in the form of elixirs. Currently adding these option buffs in the itemoption do not work with the elixir. Or just add a new option
(Fyi plugin ItemoptionSystem_Exc also does not work with this item. That is logical though because the item is considered "used".)
Before you say anything, yes I know it's "working as webzen" but Webzen almost never crash or disconnects you like our current Clients do.
With the rising client issues that occur in newer seasons having Bless of Light active upon server switch or Relog is crucial.
3 votes
Time in client
It will be nice to see a real-time clock in the game.
I don't know what else I can add. 🙂
4 votes
Boss monsters kill reward type
;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
BossKillRewardUserType = 1
We will have some monsters as custom bosses,But this feature doesn't allow our custom BOSS to work as set。
If you can make some changes,it will be more perfect。
Can we get this switch to control all the monsters? Or,Can we add our own monster index to decide which way to use?
Suggestion 1:Whether you select 1 or 0, all monsters take effect。
;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
BossKillRewardUserType = 1
Suggestion 2:Add the corresponding monster index to control,Either type 0 or 1 can be selected as a controllable option,Unadded monster indexes are of a different type,For example,if the original bonus is the maximum damage, we'll add the index of the last monster hit
;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage
Type 0 Valid monster index= 0,100,500,800,900
2 votes
CalcCharacter PVP Damage multiple decimals
As damage continues to get out of control in PVP we are forced to make fights based on SD only. It would be great if we can use smaller numbers for PVP balances:
For example
IKToLW_PvPDamageRate = 0.01
0 votes
X-shop in map 6
Please give us the opportunity to open x-shop in map #6. Why such discrimination 😄
4 votes
Please also allow the notification of +10~+14 ResultNotice,thanks verymuch.
;-- Activates global notice of successful combination of item level 15 of selected type, 0/1
PlusItemMix15ResultNotice_Normal = 1
PlusItemMix15ResultNotice_Enhanced = 1
PlusItemMix15ResultNotice_Socket = 1
PlusItemMix15ResultNotice_Pentagram = 1
Please also allow the notification of +10~+14 ResultNotice,thanks verymuch.
1 vote
Olimp PVP Event
The duel system is used for the event Pvp event with a rating system among each class (15 classes).
The event requires an NPC that participants can register with.
A message about the start of the event appears 15 minutes before the event starts.
The event lasts for an hour and a half, including the time to register participants.
The event lasts for 5 days a week, with 2 days left to announce the results and receive awards.
The event is divided into 6 rounds. Each round lasts 15 minutes.
Registration of characters at the npc DoorKeeper Titus (or other npc), so that players can watch the duels of other players.
Minimum level for participation in the event: 300 without taking into account the master level.
Rounds (6):
A message appears in gold letters in the centre of the screen about the start of registration for the round. After the end of registration, players are automatically telported to duel with their opponents, randomly distributing them between their resets. Participants are distributed among themselves by reset, e.g. dk 38 vs dw 45 reset. Distribution by resets 50-100/101-150/151-200/201-.... editable Number of registered players per round - minimum 6, maximum 8. If there are not 6 players, the round time just flows. The next round must start on schedule. Register one and the same player can unlimited number of times (in case there is no pair on the resu) but to hold no more than 10 duels per week. Time for the duel itself: a maximum of 10 minutes or up to 10 victories of one of the participants. After the end of the duel player teleports to the map where there is a npts, if you can make the possibility of determining the map where there is a npts, and there, respectively, tepeshit players after the end of the duel If you can make a separate window to view the information who with whom gets into a duel, or viewing at the Nps. For victory is charged 3 points in the battle, for a draw and defeat 0 points. Winners are - the first 3 places in each class. .Results of the end of the event - on Sunday at 19.00 GMT +3, information about your place can be viewed by clicking on the npts (or if you can make a separate window with the rating of players in each class up to 10th place, for example, a separate button). The winner will be the 3 players in their class who will win the most points. There are 45 winners in total. Reward is given to 1st 2nd and 3rd place in each class: Wcoin and Goblin Poitns and diferent items with the ability to edit the amount of wcoins gp and item. Reward can be obtained by clicking on an NPC. 1st place in each class gets a mandatory Hero Buff: with Bonus exp as a percentage, Bonus DMG as a percentage, Bonus Def as a percentage (with the ability to edit the % of the buff), and a separate chat colour (like gens) The rankings will be reset on Sunday and a new event cycle will start on Monday. -
6 votesRefused
Devil Square Player Cap Increase
I understand the devs have determined an issue with the server suite related to a player cap beyond 10 for Devil Square Event, but this is simply not conducive to the mid-large cap servers.
Previously we had 0 issues with the limit and now we are forced to open multiple event squares to accommodate the change.
Perhaps, let us at our own risk adjust the player cap.
1 vote
1 vote
Adding Dexterity
Dear our developers, please add the dexterity statistic to this Knight_Gladiator_CalcSkillBonus function. It would be nice because there is no way to set classes that max Agility
0 votes
Vip Status
Hello friends and administrators of the IGCN community. I would like to propose that when you purchase your VIP status, it should display until when it is valid, including the date, hour, and minutes. Wishing you a pleasant New Year celebration!
3 votes
MU helper drop limitations
Add "IgnoreList" section to the mu helper configuration. The same that we have in the "Off-Level".
This will give additional abilities to fight against bot farms.
6 votes
Add old and new harmony option in stores and box drop
It would be good to add the option to add an option like (HarmonyType="1;4") in stores and in box drops, this would open many possibilities for the public.
HarmonyType="0" is without harmony
HarmonyType="X;Y" (X = Harmony type ~ Y = Harmony level)
to be able to put prizes in boxes as maximum harmony options and thus give the user a consumption and more item variables
at the same time also in store sales so that users can buy the items in front of this I will add the plugin (ItemPriceSystem.xml) and put old or new harmony max items at a price in coins like wcoins
21 votes
3D Camera with Save ZOOM
Hello friends, I want to make a suggestion about the 3D camera. When you adjust the size you want, it should be possible to save it, because every time you switch maps, you have to adjust the zoom again.
9 votes
Party move on all maps
Allowing to use party move on all maps.
Especially actually because you're selling a map editor, but on custom maps, one of the main features just doesn't work.
5 votes
Ice throne Castle Area
Hello developers, I would like to suggest a small change to the Castle Area function.
I believe this function refers to the range of the throne chair.
I have done several tests with custom maps and unfortunately nothing happens when sitting on the throne. When I use the original map, the event works properly.
There is probably something to be done on the custom map.
However, it would be much better if you could determine the coordinates and direction of the throne as if it were an NPC. This way, custom maps would not need adjustments. I believe that many customers do not know how to use custom maps.
In my case, I just need to understand what should be done. I created a discussion in the dedicated area and will wait for feedback.
5 votes
Dashboard size
I would like to ask developers to allow us to define the size of the dashboard window using a .json file or something similar.
Some monitors, such as mine, are very large and the current dashboard is extremely small, making it difficult to view the information due to the resolution size.
Of course, everything can be defined with a limit, but it is extremely important to be able to change it to something larger than the current size, given the complaints about the dashboard being small.
9 votes
/store command
Hello, I would like to propose a change in the /store command. Currently, it is enabled on all channels (unless I have a separate data folder for the channel) and you can set the amount and type of currency that you have to pay for using the command. I am asking for the possibility of configuring for vip accounts in the VipSettings.xml file so that players with vip accounts can pay less for it
7 votes
Add a Reflection Dmg calc on Calcharacter.lua
Hello developers, I hereby request the creation of a controllable formula for reflected dmg. PvP leveling requires this.