10 topics in this forum
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- 11 replies
Updated on 20.10.2022, Season 16 Part 2-2 and up. One item info = 32 bytes In case of any questions please write them in this topic #define DBI_TYPE 0 #define DBI_OPTION_DATA 1 #define DBI_DUR 2 #define DBI_SERIAL1 3 #define DBI_SERIAL2 4 #define DBI_SERIAL3 5 #define DBI_SERIAL4 6 #define DBI_NOPTION_DATA 7 #define DBI_SOPTION_DATA 8 #define DBI_OPTION380_DATA 9 #define DBI_JOH_DATA 10 #define DBI_SOCKET_1 11 #define DBI_SOCKET_2 12 #define DBI_SOCKET_3 13 #define DBI_SOCKET_4 14 #define DBI_SOCKET_5 15 #define DBI_SERIAL5 16 #define DBI_SERIAL6 17 #define DBI_SERIAL7 18 #define DBI_SERIAL8 19 #define DBI_OPTSLOT_1 20 #define DBI_OPTSLOT_2 21 #define DBI_OPTSLOT_3 2…
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 7 replies
First of all this is a system i made because doing droplists on websites are way to slow to do manualy and require a lot of work This coding took me a few weeks to make. This is DBAS (DropList Database Automatic System) This is for all Server Admins that wish to have a databae of their drops, and drop rates all in one place. It gets all the data from your server folder, automaticly turns into a webpage that can then show all your drop rates. That includes, Each Map, Each Monster, Each Event, Each Box/Item You can also search for individual itens, and it will find any corresponding drop list. This can all be done in 10 seconds. If you wish to know mo…
Last reply by Pedro Vinicius, -
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As I asked the developers and they did not probably shared due to all the work they are doing, I am sharing with you the numbering of the updated classes. Class 0 Dark Wizard Class 1 Soul Master Class 3 Grand Master Class 7 Soul Wizard Class 15 Darkness Wizard Class 16 Dark Knight Class 17 Blade Knight Class 19 Blade Master Class 23 Dragon Knight Class 31 Ignation Knight Class 32 Fairy Elf Class 33 Muse Elf Class 35 High Elf Class 39 Noble Elf Class 47 Royal Elf Class 48 Magic Gladiator Class 50 Duel Master Class 54 Magic…
Last reply by MrJunior, -
- 0 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: Hi I Need to Create Gift System From Website to New User and i've intress with GremoryCase becuz it suite to my condition so i've wonder about structure can someone help me about this i'll explain thing i know as now GremoryCaseIndex = Primary Key but itsn't Auto Increament that mean i will input any number ? AccountID = Player Account Name = Char Name (not require if GCType = 1) GCType = 1 = Server Box 2 = Charracter Box GiveType = Condition of Gift Like GM gift are 100 etc. ItemType = Cat in Itemlist ItemIndex = Index in Itemlist Level = Level of item 0 to 15 ItemDur = Durability of item / Duration of item (second u…
Last reply by Mpsmith, -
- 0 replies
I agree to forum rules and posting guidance: hwo know how to replace MagicList for clear Master skills but regular skills remain? All its in table character need replace MagicList how replace not all skills but only master ?
Last reply by Murphiks, -
- 4 replies
I'm opening this topic with the hope that someone shall give a bit of light into this, since these server files are pretty much unique and the code for these things all over the net, is pretty much ancient code. It would be really cool if some developer or experienced user share with us a little guide about the anatomy of an item hex string. Why? Well, there's a lot of people out there, just like me, willing to make tools and systems in order to complement our game servers. First of all, I've already saw this forum post, which seems to be really obsolete by now.
Last reply by Dudi, -
- 0 replies
I would like to show the warehouse and inventory and add some items in there by my website. For testing purpose, I'm using the following item: It is a Sylph Wind Bow + 15 with Triple Shot Skill, and full adds. $_item = 15FF8C000000007F004000FFFFFFFFFF0002C1EAThis is my PHP code: $sy = hexdec(substr($_item,0,2)); // Item ID $iop = hexdec(substr($_item,2,2)); // Item Level/Skill/Option Data $itemdur= hexdec(substr($_item,4,2)); // Item Durability $serial = substr($_item,6,8); // Item SKey $ioo = hexdec(substr($_item,14,2)); // Item Excellent Info/ Option $ac = hexdec(substr($_item,16,2)); // Ancient data $itt = (hexdec(…
Last reply by expmu, -
- 2 replies
Server Season: Season 6 Files Version: last version Database Type: MuOnline Hello Guys! First I thank you for the help that always provide, are great with the support, thank you! Previously, I used them files Titan Tech if not me wrong and I'm saved the module of Reset Skill Tree for those files. I now use IGC which is much better, and I would like to know if anyone knows or can help me with my problem. Would that I should change the following code to make it compatible with IGC season 6 and not from any problem? http://pastebin.com/xp1AuL9r I'm not sure, but I was looking at the Forum and found this: UPDATE dbo.Character SET mlpoint = mlevel, magiclist…
Last reply by Sistem, -
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Hello, i want to create a query for insert into database from my website Seal for some event but i need some help, i test this SQL QUERY: DECLARE @Duration2 int, @BuyDate bigint, @CalcExpireDate smalldatetime, @ExpireDate bigint, @Serial bigint SELECT @Duration2 = 604800 SELECT @CalcExpireDate = DATEADD( second, @Duration2, GETDATE() ) SELECT @BuyDate = convert(bigint, datepart(ss, GETDATE())) * 1000 SELECT @ExpireDate = convert(bigint, DATEADD( second, @Duration2, GETDATE() )) INSERT INTO IGC_PeriodItemInfo ( UserGUID, CharacterName, ItemCode, ItemType, EffectType1, EffectType2, Duration, EffectCategory, Serial, BuyDate, ExpireDate, UsedInfo, BuyDateString, Expir…
Last reply by ezramod, -
- 2 replies
Hello, I was thinking about this for a long time and now I decided to present my idea to you. The main idea is to create and provide official website for IGCN server files. I don't know, if IGCN Team is already working on it or no, but I would like to develop IGCN website for IGCN customers. If it will be aprooved and confirmed by IGCN Team, I will start working on it. Website would be offered as additional and optional stuff for your IGCN server (like Bigman's Toolkit). I will also handle all support related to this website, I will continue developing it and releasing updates/fixes/new systems/modules etc. Maybe I will think about 2 versions - free and premium. F…
Last reply by Scoorpion, -