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Advanced Tools

Downloads for Advanced/Premium Tools for Customer but not owners of active Server Suite license.

3 files

  1. Mu Market Analyzer

    A tool that collects statistical market information about your MU Server, and allows you to analyze the data in a user friendly interface
    Chose the machine that you would like to run the tool on (it will be activated to that specific machine, and you would always have to run it from there) Extract downloaded zip to neutral location (e.g. D:\Tools\ and not to Downloads, Desktop or Program Files) Configure \Data\AnalysisSettings.json to your liking (ItemCollection, DatabaseName, DatabaseAddress etc) Run MUMarkerAnalyzerAgent.exe, A browser should be automatically be opened In the browser opened, Login using IGCN account that the tool was bought with Now you should see "Please upload analysis file" message, which means the tool has been activated successfully
    Minimum Requirements
    Operating system version: Windows 10 / Windows Server 2012 or newer Modern and up-to-date browser: (Chrome/Edge/Firefox/Opera etc) Network connection is required every time the analyzer UI is being opened (login). Otherwise, it can work offline.



  2. World Creator

    Mu World Creator is a tool in which you can visually (in 3D) create and modify MU World Maps.
    Supported map settings and features
    Terrain Height (holes and mountains) Terrain Light (RGB color and strength) Terrain Layer (Ground Tiles, grass, merging layers) Terrain Attribute (Safe zone, attack zone, etc) Terrain Objects (add/remove/edit - position, scale, rotation, light) Support Undo/Redo Ctrl+Z/Y for terrain tools Server Terrain file 6K 3D preview of your map generated upon export Navimap file of your map generated upon export 6K minimap of your map generated upon export 🔥MiniMap.xml Editor 🔥 🔥MonsterSpawn.xml Editor 🔥  
    MU Client Support
    All client versions are supported and automatically detected You can also export map from one version to another, but this is not recommended since not all features are supported across all client versions (this is client limitation, not Editor)
    Minimum system and hardware requirements for running the editor
    Operating system version: Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11 CPU: x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support. Memory: 4GB RAM Graphics API: DX10, DX11, DX12 capable. Additional requirements: Hardware vendor officially supported drivers. Network connection is required when opening the editor (login), and also when exporting maps. Other than this two operations, it can work offline.



  3. MU.ToolKit (Premium)

    MU.ToolKit (Premium) is advanced tool of wide range of powerful possibilities to maintain the server in all the meaning of the word.
    This is public version of the tool excluding tools dedicated for purpose of IGC Server Suite. Once becoming subscriber (Customer) of Server Plan of IGC-Network it is possible to switch to ToolKit version supporting IGC Features.

    PC Requirements
    Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 - x64 OS Internet Connection always online as long as MU.ToolKit (Premium) application is running (no Offline mode) .NET Framework 4.6.2 Installed Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Package



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