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  1. Wizzy

    Release S

    [MOD] Extended support of free stat points display from 65535 to 2147483647 [FIX] ExDataServer based modules could not be reloaded in Data Server app [FIX] JoH options could not be displayed in Personal Store [MOD] ServerName column in MEMB_STAT table will now be updated upon MapServer move, currently was set only upon login and disconnect [FIX] Memory could get overwritten resulting in random and undefined issues with Arca Battle event [FIX] Certain events did not start due to empty schedule table when using very specific schedule configuration [ADD] Extended VipSettings.xml by new options: ResetStayOnPosition, ResetMoveToCharSelectWindow [ADD] Added new mini-events, see ChaosBox.ini: MasteryUpgradeEvent, PentagramUpgradeEvent [FIX] Corrected possible SQLSTATE error on certain operations on T_BombGameScore table [FIX] Anti-Flood system could incorrectly interact with valid players and disconnect them [MOD] Changed IP blocking time reset to 2 minutes for Anti Flood system [FIX] Ability Card with Double Damage option caused incorrect value display of certain attack types [FIX] Talisman of Item Protection did not work for certain Cash Shop items [FIX] Restricted ability to pick LimitedItemDrop item only by party member the item dropped for (belongs to) [FIX] LimitedItemDrop system could drop an item for party member staying in safe zone [FIX] Specialized Magic Damage statistic was incorrectly displayed under "C" window for certain character classes, Lang.mpr: CharacterInfoSetup.txt [FIX] Ability Tree could not be used on servers using NotAddMasterLevelToLevel option [FIX] Game Server crash
  2. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] Reflection Barrier did not work properly at certain stage [FIX] Jewel of Luck could not be used at certain scenario [FIX] Blocked ability to leave the game while in Hunt Point Battle [FIX] Corrected default configuration of Power Chicken [FIX] Overlapping items do not stack automatically when having full stack of the same item type in inventory [FIX] Enabled support of NotAddMasterLevelToLevel option for ability tree [MOD] Updated default configuration of allowed item kinds that can be used with Jewel of Luck
  3. Wizzy

    Release S

    This is a maintenance release to fix common issues reported from previous version.
  4. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] Added missing Power Chicken mini-event [ADD] Added Ability Card mixes configuration to ChaosBox.ini [MOD] Added extended scheduler to Arca Battle event [MOD] Added extended scheduler to Acheron Guardian event [MOD] Added extended scheduler to Loren Deep event [MOD] Extended BonusEvent configuration by start/end minute [MOD] Extended Bots System by ability of configuring flag item (Flag & Shop plugin required) [MOD] Modified structure of LimitedItemDrop.xml and simplified configuration of the system [MOD] Enabled support of flag items in ItemOptionSystem plugin [FIX] Item Bags could drop zen despite item rate was set to 100% (extremely rare scenario) [FIX] Expired Unicorn could not be sold to shop [FIX] Certain Ability Cards effect was getting stacked [FIX] Event map entry limit reset failed if happened on turn of the month [FIX] Hiding item glow effect did not work for AntiLag plugin [FIX] Rewards were not properly issued at certain scenario for labyrinth of Dimension event [FIX] Monster kill counter for CryWolf event did not work properly [FIX] Inventory bundle option did not work correctly for elemental items [FIX] Dropping ancient item using SetItemRate option from inventory item bag was bugging inventory [FIX] Characters being in off-mode and summoned by party master could experience various of issues [FIX] Muuns repair did not work when character was in Off-Level mode [FIX] Text translation of Flags Shop at Guild Master NPC was not possible [FIX] Setting MaxDayMonsterPerVip in Hunt Point System did not apply configured values correctly to certain VIP types [FIX] Configuration of ability to use specific item by class did not work for Flag Items [FIX] Using /clearinv and /clearbag commands while having flag activated could bug inventory [FIX] Transforming an item into another using Jewel Upgrade System could bug inventory [FIX] Extra damage could apply in PvP (blocked) [FIX] Chaos Goblin could be attacked by combo with damage higher than 1 [FIX] Period items were getting bugged in inventory if expiry time occurred during transaction time [FIX] Helper Plus was not returning player to spot after death if player was member of a party [FIX] Extra Damage was not applied to fourth skills of Grow Lancer class [FIX] Selection of Grow Lancer skills could cause client performance loss on highly crowded areas [FIX] Collecting required number of overlapping item was not resulting in conversion into new item at certain scenario [ADD] Extended English.xml by language bits 848-850 [MOD] Extended DoppelGanger_DropInfo.xml by optional Durability attribute [FIX] Game Server crash
  5. Flags system is done, the SD Boost Aura effect is too much work with no extra benefits.
  6. Can't, the 5th wings currently cannot support it.
  7. 1. What is multi-realm configuration of the server? This is the most recommended setup even you are starting with single realm. It allows to offer multiple realms (aka Worlds) under one game client and single account where characters on every realm will be different. Realm is group of servers (channels) represented under unique name and defined by range of server codes, example: Realm 1: Server codes 0-19 (group 0) Realm 2: Server codes 20-39 (group 1) Realm 3: Server codes 40-59 (group 2) and so on.. 2. Understanding purpose of server applications Purpose and maximum instances of different types of game servers is described in Additional Channel configuration tutorial. Beside Game Servers there are additional applications being a part of server applications set, Data Server and Chat Server. In this tutorial we will focus on the first one. Data Server main operation modes Regular Data Server Battle Core Data Server Operating mode is controlled using IsBattleCoreServer setting in config.ini (IGCDS.ini for older version) of Data Server folder. To switch Data Server application to work for purpose of Battle Core Game Server, set above setting to 1. 1.1. Data Server modules The Data Server application in constructed from three different modules JoinServer: taking key part of login process, general accounts operations and cross-channel moves DataServer: handles general data flow between game and database ExDataServer: handles specific data (shared among channel) flow between game and database, it is responsible for Personal Store, Monster Soul, Party, Guilds, Gens, MuHelper, ItemDropLimit, certain rewards distribution The above modules can be turned on or off by changing below settings to 1 or 0. UseJoinServer = 1 UseDataServer = 1 UseExDataServer = 1 Depending of main operational mode of Data Server application (Regular/BattleCore) the modules should be configured as in default file examples provided by us. Regular server: uses all 3 modules BattleCore server: uses Join and Data Server modules, ExData Server should stay disabled 1.2. Understanding how and where to use Data Server application modules JoinServer: can be used only one time for all realms served under single game client Data Server: can be used multiple times to split load within single realm, different game servers can use different instances of Data Server ExDataServer: can be used only once within single realm, all game servers should connect to single ExData Server. 3. Folders structure for multi realm setup The below folders structure is base example of how to start with multi realm Server JoinServer ConnectServer Realm #1 DataServer GameServer_R (one or more) GameServer_A GameServer_M GameServer_C GameServer_I ChatServer Data MapServerInfo.xml Realm #2 DataServer GameServer_R (one or more) GameServer_A GameServer_M GameServer_C GameServer_I ChatServer Data MapServerInfo.xml BattleCore DataServer_B GameServer_B Data MapServerInfo_Global * * - Continue read for further explanation 4. Databases Structure The below structure is base example for the above two realms setup with BattleCore AccountDB: restored from Me_Muonline.sql script R1_CharacterData: restored from MuOnline.sql script R1_Events: restored from Events.sql script R1_ Ranking: restored from Ranking.sql script R2_CharacterData: restored from MuOnline.sql script R2_Events: restored from Events.sql script R2_ Ranking: restored from Ranking.sql script BattleCore: restored from BattleCore.sql script 5. Server configuration (modules) 5.1. JoinServer The Join Server is simply a module from DataServer application. To configure operational JoinServer, copy content of DataServer application into JoinServer folder and configure config.ini as follows: UseJoinServer = 1 UseDataServer = 0 UseExDataServer = 0 JoinServerPort = 56970 DataServerPort = 0 ExDataServerPort = 0 MapServerInfoPath = ..\\MapServerInfo_Global.xml CharacterDB = AccountDB = AccountDB EventDB = RankingDB = 5.2. Data and ExData Server modules (per realm) To configure the Data and ExData Server modules, follow to DataServer folder of every realm, open config.ini (IGCDS.ini for older versions) and configure them using below example: UseJoinServer = 0 UseDataServer = 1 UseExDataServer = 1 JoinServerPort = 0 DataServerPort = 56960 ExDataServerPort = 56906 ChatServerPort = 56980 CharacterDB = R1_CharacterData AccountDB = AccountDB EventDB = R1_Events RankingDB = R1_Ranking Note that all Data and ExData Server module ports should be unique per realm configuration. Change them in config.ini of every realm. Each realm should point to different databases using our previous logic, considering the only shared database is AccountDB, so second realm configuration will be: CharacterDB = R2_CharacterData AccountDB = AccountDB EventDB = R2_Events RankingDB = R2_Ranking 5.3. Data and ExData Server modules (BattleCore) UseJoinServer = 1 UseDataServer = 1 UseExDataServer = 0 JoinServerPort = 56770 DataServerPort = 56760 ExDataServerPort = 56706 CharacterDB = BattleCore AccountDB = AccountDB EventDB = BattleCore RankingDB = BattleCore To configure the Data and ExData Server modules of BattleCore Data Server, follow to DataServer_BattleCore folder, open config.ini (IGCDS.ini for older versions) and configure it using below example: 5.4. Game Server configuration - GameServer.ini Every game server belonging to different realm should be pointed to valid shared and realm-dedicated component. Shared components game server connects to are: Join Server and Connect Server. Every game server should be configured as follows (using default configuration used in this article): JoinServerPort = 56970 ConnectServerPort = 55667 Realm-dedicated components game server connect to are: Data Server, ExData Server. Game Servers from different realms should point to module of realm they belong to: DataServerPort = 56960 ExDBPort = 56906 The GameServer.ini and config.ini (IGCDS.ini for older version) ports configuration should match then. 6. Server Mapping - MapSerevrInfo.xml The MapServerInfo.xml file should be configured with extra care. Misconfiguration of the file will lead in number of undefined issues, such as inability to move, move to invalid servers, double-login (dupe) and other. 6.1. Realm-dedicated Map Server Info The file is by default located in \Data\ folder and should contain information about servers of current realm only, e.g. if configuring realm 2 (server codes 20-39) it should only contain information of server codes from that range and BattleCore server (as per default example). Example 6.2.Global MapServerInfo.xml The file is simply a copy under special name. It should contain information of servers (channels) of every realm and BattleCore. Server components that should point to the file are: Join Server, BattleCore Data Server, BattleCore Game Server, can be configured using MapServerInfoPath from per application config, config.ini (IGCDS.ini for older versions) and GameServer.ini Example file containing info of realm 1 and realm 2 6.3. BattleCore server The BattleCore server is special game server instance handling events where players from different realms can join and compete. That type of Data and Game Servers should be running under single instance only, one for all realms. To configure server mapping properly, point dat and game servers to it properly for MapServerInfo_Global.xml using MapServerInfoPath setting from config.ini and GameServer.ini.
  8. 1. Extending realm by additional channels (sub-servers) To understand how to properly extend realm (aka World) by additional channel it is essential to get familiar with game server types each realm operates on. Realm is group of a servers (channels) containing maximum and total of 20 channels configured with server codes from scope belonging to realm being configured. Example Realm 1: Server codes 0-19 Realm 2: Server codes 20-39 Realm 3: Server codes 40-59 and so on.. Mixing codes from different groups is not allowed. 1.1 Game Server types and their purpose GameServer_R (regular): common game play, Boss Battle Together event, Mini Games, used to extend realm by new channels GameSevrer_A (arca): Arca Battle and Acheron Guardian Events GameServer_C (siege): Loren Deep, Castle Siege and CryWolf Events GameServer_M (market): Loren Market and Event Square maps, Chaos Castle, Illusion Temple Renewal, Illusion Temple Championship, Blood Castle, Chaos Castle, Devil Square Events GameServer_I (instance): Labyrinth of Dimension, Imperial Guardian, 4th and 5th class quest GameServer_B (battlecore): Tormented Square, Tormented Square (Battle), Chaos Castle (Battle), Chaos Castle Survival, requires dedicated Data and Join Servers Every server type should be configured at maximum number of instances per realm depending on game server type. Regular: 1 or more Arca: one only Siege: one only Market: one only Instance: one only Battle Core game server should be only one for all realms. 2. Extending configuration by new channel To add new channel it is necessary to edit 3 files: ServerList.xml located in ConnectServer folder MapServerInfo.xml located in Data folder GameServer.ini located in folder of newly added regular Game Server 2.1 Connect Server - ServerList.xml Default configuration <ServerList> <Server Code="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56900" Visible="1" Name="Regular" /> <Server Code="12" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56912" Visible="0" Name="Market" /> <Server Code="13" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56913" Visible="0" Name="Arca" /> <Server Code="14" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56914" Visible="0" Name="Siege" /> <Server Code="15" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56915" Visible="0" Name="Instance" /> <Server Code="480" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56120" Visible="1" Name="BattleCore" /> </ServerList> To add new channel copy line of existing Regular game server type and set it with unique Code and Port <ServerList> <Server Code="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56900" Visible="1" Name="Regular1" /> <Server Code="1" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56901" Visible="1" Name="Regular2" /> <Server Code="12" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56912" Visible="0" Name="Market" /> <Server Code="13" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56913" Visible="0" Name="Arca" /> <Server Code="14" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56914" Visible="0" Name="Siege" /> <Server Code="15" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56915" Visible="0" Name="Instance" /> <Server Code="480" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56120" Visible="1" Name="BattleCore" /> </ServerList> Note that PUBLIC_IP must be set to actual WAN IP. 2.2 Map Server - Map ServerInfo.xml Default configuration Similarly to previous file, extend existing sections of ServerList and ServerMapping by entries reflecting existence of new channel. ServerList section <ServerList> <Server Code="0" Initiation="1" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56900" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Regular1" /> <Server Code="1" Initiation="1" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56901" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Regular1" /> <Server Code="12" Initiation="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56912" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Market" /> <Server Code="13" Initiation="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56913" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Arca" /> <Server Code="14" Initiation="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56914" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Siege" /> <Server Code="15" Initiation="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56915" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="Instance" /> <Server Code="480" Initiation="0" IP="PUBLIC_IP" Port="56120" MinEntryGrandReset="-1" MaxEntryGrandReset="-1" MinEntryReset="-1" MaxEntryReset="-1" MinEntryLevel="-1" MaxEntryLevel="-1" Name="BattleCore" /> </ServerList> ServerMapping section <ServerMapping> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Regular to Market"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular to Arca"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular to Arca"/> <Server Code="0" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Regular to Instance" /> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Regular to Siege"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Regular to Market"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular to Arca"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Regular to Arca"/> <Server Code="1" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Regular to Instance" /> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market to Siege"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market to Siege"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market to Siege"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market to Siege"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Market to Siege"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Market"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Market to Arca"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Market to Arca"/> <Server Code="12" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Market to Instance"/> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca to Siege"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca to Siege"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca to Siege"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca to Siege"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="14" Name="Arca to Siege"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Arca to Market"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Arca"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Arca"/> <Server Code="13" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Arca to Instance"/> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Siege"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Siege"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Siege"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Siege"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on Siege"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Siege to Market"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Siege to Arca"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Siege to Arca"/> <Server Code="14" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Siege to Instance"/> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Instance to Siege"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Instance to Siege"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Instance to Siege"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Instance to Siege"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Instance to Siege"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="12" Name="Instance to Market"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="13" Name="Instance to Arca"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="13" Name="Instance to Arca"/> <Server Code="15" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="15" Name="Stay on Instance"/> <!-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="30" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="34" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="31" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="41" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="42" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="1" MapNumber="79" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Enabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="92" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="96" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> <Server Code="480" MoveAble="0" MapNumber="114" DestServerCode="-1" Name="Stay on BattleCore (Move Disabled)"/> </ServerMapping> Note that if configuring new channel for server group of higher server codes, e.g. 20-39, the DestServerCode attribute must be also configured to server code of Game Servers from group that is being configured. Use base example for general logic of pointing game server and their types. 2.3 New Game Server - GameServer.ini Being by coping entire 3. GameServer_R folder under desired name. Open GameServer.ini and edit following keys to new values matching previously configured values, as above. ServerName: set to unique name, simplifies game server identity on task bar and in logs ServerCode: set to new server code the game server will run with, in our example it is 1 GameServerPort: set to port the game server will run on, in our example it is 56901 3. New Channel with unique settings It is possible to run newly created channel under unique for that channel settings based on Data folder. To configure new channel this way, place 3. Game Server folder inside new folder together with a copy of already configured Data folder. Such configuration requires to update each copy of Data folder every time such need occurs, e.g. to apply new update or when editing shared files, such as MapServerInfo.xml
  9. Wizzy

    PersonalStore Coin Type for Market GS

    Seems you miss that the personal store is cross-channel since few seasons already. Offer made in R game server where coin type is Zen bought in Market server where coin type is Ruud. Upon purchase will check for Ruud but will pay Zen in R server. That simply can't work. You try to use the systems not the way they were designed. Not all custom features can remain if we want other benefits, such as cross-channel personal store.
  10. Wizzy

    PersonalStore Coin Type for Market GS

    You can only have one coin type per entire realm! please do nto try to workaround it as you will cause issue where it is possible to abuse the system such way it will impact badly on your server. That was the main reason we moved the config to ExDataServer. It should be done already long time ago when Personal Store started being cross-channel. Doing separated DataServer only for Market Server is invalid path. The coin type config is managed by ExDataServer module and not DataServer. You should have only one ExDataServer per realm, otherwise you will cause dupe and bugs. ExDataServer manages cross-channel features, such as Monster Soul, Party, Personal Store and few other.
  11. Wizzy

    Release S2

    [FIX] MapServerInfo path configuration did not work for Data Server application [FIX] Chat Server port configuration did not work for Data Server application [FIX] IGC.dll false-positive detection by selected AVs
  12. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] Added ability to modify display (text/color) of server list (ServerListDisplay.xml/bmd, to be encrypted same way as ServerInfo.xml/bmd) [NEW] Introduced character/national flags system and flags store available from guild master NPC (paid plugin available from store) [MOD] Reorganized old IGCDS.ini file configuration per module, new file name is config.ini (reconfigure with care) [MOD] Personal Store coin type configuration has been moved from \Data\Common.ini to config.ini of DataServer application: PersonalStoreCoinType (same coin type is required within single realm, change is introduced to avoid mis-config) [MOD] Extended ItemOptionSystem_Exc.xml structure by <Socket> section [FIX] Possible SQLSTATE error when inserting Wing Core into fifth wings [FIX] High CPU usage by game client (already fixed within last re-upload) [FIX] Fifth wings could come with corrupted wing core slot when obtained from selected systems [FIX] Mu Helper plus could not be turned off from configuration [FIX] Transformation to Pink Panda using transformation ring did not work [FIX] Sword's Fury Mastery buff is not applied properly causing attack distance issue on related skills [FIX] Certain skills of fifth type did not work in Off-Level mode
  13. Wizzy

    Release S

    [NEW] 5th Class & Quest for all characters [NEW] Ability Core AKA 5th Tree [NEW] Ability Cards: DMG, Skill, Option, Elite [NEW] Extra damage type for characters: Nuke, Bolt, AoE [NEW] New attributes in character extended statistics window [NEW] Extra damage for monsters [NEW] 5th Wings and Wing Core [NEW] Fusion Skills for all characters, combined effects of different skills with renewed visual effects [NEW] Giants: three types of improving moving speed robots [NEW] New mixes of the wings and cards [FIX] Corrected Explosion Debuff Damage type from pink (reflect) to white one [ADD] Added DamageCorrection attribute to MonsterList.xml [MOD] Updated Monsters configuration in MonsterList.xml [DEL] Removed lua functions from CalcCharacter.lua: Calc4thClassDamageFromUser, Calc4thClassDamageFromMonsters [NEW] Introduced updated penalty system, new lua functions in CalcCharacter.lua: CalcPenaltyDamageFromUser, CalcPenaltyDamageFromMonster [FIX] Hunting-log is not always refreshed every 1 second [FIX] Ingredient items used within Top Grade Spirit Stone mix are improperly deleted after combination [FIX] Day/Night exp message is not properly displayed upon first character connection [NEW] Added option to SkillSettings.ini: CloakingImmortal [MOD] Updated /item command to support drop of ability cards [MOD] Updated description of FormulaData.xml [MOD] Updated Starter Buff & Inventory to support fifth class and giant quest [ADD] Added new configuration to ChaosBox.ini, AllowETOCAWithETOL, WingCoreRate, WingCoreRequireMoney [FIX] Corrected selected item names in ItemList.xml, item.bmd, itemtooltip.bmd [FIX] Corrected unclosed HTML tags in Text.txt (Lang.mpr) [FIX] Dump files are not always created by game client [FIX] AG was not consumed properly when Grow Lancer is being attacked [FIX] Personal store is not working correctly when load of server is split among multiple data servers [ADD] Anti-Flood logs are now moved to separate folder [ADD] MapServerInfo.xml path can be now configured for Game Servers [ADD] Added configuration allowing to set maximum master level to gather 4th skill tree points [FIX] PK is able to join Non-PvP channel from server list [FIX] Item could drop in safe zone/different map if max-hit player moved away before target monster died [FIX] Range of selected knight skills was improperly increased after use of Sword Fury buff [FIX] Player name was visible in Chaos Castle due to possibility of entering the event while wearing certain transformation rings [FIX] Medusa monster could not be spawned using MonsterSpawn.xml system [DEL] Removed KnightStrongBelief lua function from RegularSkillCalc.lua, Sword Fury is permanent buff until it will get canceled via right click [DEL] Removed KnightStrongBelief_MasterLevel1 lua function from MasterSkillCalc_3rd.lua, Sword Fury is permanent buff until it will get canceled via right click [FIX] Corrected missing quotation mark in MonsterSoulConversionDropInfo.txt (ENG/Lang.mpr) [FIX] Corrected invalid quotation marks in Text.txt -> 5337 (KOR/Lang.mpr) [FIX] Selected AoE skills of Dark Wizard did not do any damage [FIX] Randomly occurred disconnection was possible during move between servers [FIX] Ancient item tier was not set properly when issuing an item using StarterInventory.xml plugin [FIX] Inventory Expansion did not remain after character switch/logout when applied from StarterInventory.xml plugin [FIX] Connect Server used 100% CPU when trying to reconnect on busy UDP port [FIX] Drop from certain monsters could be lost when Top/Last Hit Player was no longer present in game [FIX] Extra damage could be used against elemental monsters of PentagramAttribPattern="2" [FIX] ExtraDamageTypeCalc lua function calculation was affecting extra damage bonuses coming from items [FIX] Bold extra damage attack range was incorrect [FIX] Sword Fury buff range increase was not applied correctly in certain cases [FIX] Period (expirable) items could start losing their durability in certain cases [FIX] Reward from Boss Battle Together event could be issued improperly at specific scenario [FIX] Fifth wings item data was becoming invalid when purchased from shop [FIX] Ability card option Level/20 was not applied correctly [FIX] Season Pass Period Reset was not performing correctly [FIX] Character's Mana could go down after performing certain actions due to invalid calculations of Ability Tree options [FIX] Hide Zen and Items on ground does not work for Anti-Lag plugin [FIX] Fourth tree debuff field visual effect could get accumulated what resulted in decrease of game client performance [FIX] Extra damage could cause a damage during selected events waiting period
  14. Wizzy

    Release S

    [FIX] BattleCore DataServer is reporting SQLSTATE errors [FIX] Game Client could crash upon entering to the game with certain characters [FIX] Data Server crash
  15. [FIX] BattleCore DataServer is reporting SQLSTATE errors [FIX] Game Client could crash upon entering to the game with certain characters [FIX] Data Server crash
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