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Zentinial last won the day on August 15 2023

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  1. I don't know what this means but let me be very clear: I need this function that's in common - ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BossKillRewardUserType = 1 to be flexible so I can define which indexes get this treatment. In my opinion we can modify the MonsterRegenSpanTime.xml to accommodate this change as there's a high probability indexes being defined here are special in nature making them "like a boss" Introduce a new attribute called KillRewardType with a value of 0 or 1 respectively. 0 last hit, 1 most damage <Monster Index="275" KillRewardType ="1" RegenMinHour="2" RegenMinMinute="0" RegenMinSecond="0" RegenMaxHour="4" RegenMaxMinute="0" RegenMaxSecond="0" />
  2. change the command /clearbagconfirm - and make a rule that says you are beat if you do that command.
  3. I would like to make sweet sweet love to this suggestion and then spoon who ever makes it come to life. Lookin at you Drake daddy . 😗
  4. This guy just doesn't stop amazing me.
  5. I want to the option to limit Jewel of Excess to regular items (not ancient/non mastery) I don't care about drops - I can control this already.
  6. Problem: As an admin I need the ability to define monster indexes that will drop loot based on last hit or most damage so that I can better offer a gaming and loot experience for my players. Acceptance Criteria: Similar to the function in Common... ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Boss monsters kill reward type, 0: Last Hit, 1: Most Damage ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BossKillRewardUserType = 1 Modify the MonsterRegenSpanTime.xml to introduce a new attribute called KillRewardType with a value of 0 or 1 respectively. 0 last hit, 1 most damage <Monster Index="275" KillRewardType="1" RegenMinHour="2" RegenMinMinute="0" RegenMinSecond="0" RegenMaxHour="4" RegenMaxMinute="0" RegenMaxSecond="0" />
  7. I'd like to see another option within the jewel of excess system so that we can control if the jewel can be applied to ONLY ancient items(non mastery) vs every other item type. Today we have: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Allow use of Jewel of Kondar and Jewel of Excess with regular set items (Ancient) items, 0/1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExcRegularSetItem = 1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Allow use of Jewel of Kondar and Jewel of Excess with mastery set items (Ancient) items, 0/1 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExcMasterySetItem = 0 I want to add something like this: ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;-- Allow use of Jewel of Kondar and Jewel of Excess with regular items (non ancient, non mastery) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ExcRegularItem= 0
  8. Gentlemen of the IGCN High Table (John Wick reference for you scrubs) I believe we can further enhance the recent HWID/IP connection changes introduced in S2. In the current model, if a server is to limit 5 accounts max per PC we are forced to enable 5 accounts per hwid for live players AND 5 accounts per hwid for off players. This means in the current model a server with a limit of 5 accounts per PC can technically enable a player to have 10 accounts running per PC. Solution: I am proposing we put aside our differences, close the barriers between on/off and have a combined limit. HWIDConnectionLimit_General_Group + HWIDConnectionLimit_OffPlayer_Group = Total_Account_ConnectLimit_Group This total would be inclusive of offline and online accounts so this way we can maintain a server's truly intended connection per pc limits. ❤️
  9. In my opinion, we need random respawn first - MinRespawnHour + RandomHour = RespawnTime
  10. Bump - Please for the love of whatever you believe in - give us Random Monster Spawners. Just like Ferea: MinRespawnHour + RandomHour = RespawnTime This formula should be applicable to individual monster IDs, meaning I should be able to have different respawn times for each monster index number should I config this way. Boss and events of course can be excluded - If a monster ID is specified in this config it will by pass the default regen rate in MonsterList.XML I’d pay for this
  11. Transmog for MU - https://www.wowhead.com/transmog Would be interesting concept, then play 2 win servers can sell skins instead of perks ?
  12. Zentinial

    Release S

    Another Item - Pandora Pick on low resolutions crashes client - maybe this weird text is the constant?
  13. This is why we pay you the big bucks business daddy! I believe! ? Appreciate you looking into this - this is a HUGE quality of service improvement for admins and players.
  14. Zentinial

    Release S

    I'm on DevModeIdex 5 and it works. So bizarre >_< I also noticed that the sixth Secronomicon bugs on resolution 1024x768 4x3 resolutions
  15. Zentinial

    Release S

    Can confirm - once you enhance the Elemental buff skills - they do not work.
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